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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Note To Catholic Bishops: Obamanomics Is Evil, Too

by Austin Hill

Breaking news: some of the American Catholic Bishops are in disagreement with President Obama and the Democratically controlled Congress, over their proposals for healthcare legislation. Not surprisingly, the Bishops are concerned because the proposals allow for taxpayer funded abortions.

But is this the only thing that the Catholic Bishops – and other intelligent, rational people of faith – should find appalling with “Obamacare” as it is currently being formulated? In other words, if abortion funding were to be eliminated from the Obamacare plans, would the American Catholic Bishops then decide that Obamacare is great?

Last Thursday, Bishop William Murphy, Cardinal Justin Rigali, and Bishop John Wester published yet another letter urging the Congress to “improve” the current healthcare legislation. They also expressed their “disappointment that progress has not been made on the three priority criteria for healthcare reform” that they had cited in their previous letters...  Read the whole article.


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