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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Afterthoughts from the U.N. Address

A progressive version of “if you’re not with us, you’re against us.”

by Jonah Goldberg

It was the most Obamaesque address to date.

“For those who question the character and cause of my nation,” the president pronounced Wednesday, “I ask you to look at the concrete actions we have taken in just nine months.”

America is 233 years old. Some think that there are ample accomplishments speaking to our character and cause that predate Obama’s ascension to the presidency.

Feh, Obama seems to be saying. Look instead to our new greatness, for we have elected a man like him!

Having anointed himself America’s vindicator and redeemer, Obama’s real purpose seems to be to become the leader not of the free world but, simply, the world...

Read the whole article.


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