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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Limits of Self-Hate

by Lisa Fabrizio

It started decades ago in this country; the hammering away at the notion that ours is a noble and commendable history. From the demonization of Christopher Columbus and our founding fathers to the endless recriminations concerning reparations -- both moral and pecuniary -- for past sins that are due those who never suffered directly under them. And now our president has the uncontrollable urge to apologize for every action by the United States that may or may not have caused pain to anyone, anywhere around the globe.

Some of us who take a more charitable view, have tried to explain this attitude away as an erosion of the concept of American exceptionalism; but the simple truth is that what most liberals are selling is a program of national self-hate. But liberal logic is never lacking in irony. These very same feelings of patriotism and pride in our heritage that they disparage are, of course, lauded in others; particularly our Muslim enemies. And it is this kind of thinking that is finally catching up to them.

Read the whole article.


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