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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Community service is not what made America great

by C. Edmund Wright

Dare we say that the planners of the 9-11 attacks understand more about the greatness of America than our current President and some in Congress? I say yes. No one inside the beltway wants to argue the point. It sounds so nice. Fine. It is patently wrong however.

Besides, the 9-11 attacks had nothing to do with Medicare, the Junior League or Earth Day or working in a soup kitchen, let alone registering voters or pushing for sub prime lending on behalf of ACORN.

The 9-11 masterminds understood what it is that makes America great, and it was precisely some obvious icons of that greatness they attacked. It is our government-limiting Constitution -- creating an environment conducive to free enterprise, innovation, opportunity and military might, used for the good of all freedom loving peoples -- that has made America great.

Read the whole article.


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