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Friday, September 25, 2009

Critics Call for Defunding the Catholic Campaign for Human Development

The CCHD is under heavy fire due to serious breaches of their funding guidelines. For many concerned Catholics, the only solution is to pull the plug.

by Randy Sly

A cry is coming from Catholics across the country to defund the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, the social justice arm for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The annual campaign for funding by Catholic parishes, held each November, may be in serious jeopardy based on new revelations concerning the group’s actions.

The outcry is based on a recent report on funding practices by the Bellarmine Veritas Ministry (BVM). BVM, who describe themselves as “a Catholic grass-roots organizing ministry dedicated to truth and action,” dove deeper into CCHD practices and launched a national campaign aimed at addressing deeper problems within the organization...

Read the whole article.


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