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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Weird Things Happen: How Catholics Should Deal with the Paranormal

by Fr. Dwight Longenecker

In 1987 I was a young Anglican priest living in England. Between jobs, with three months free, I decided to hitchhike to Jerusalem, staying in convents and monasteries along the way. As I was traveling through central France, I decided to stop at Nevers to see the incorrupt body of St. Bernadette. The hitchhiking that day was difficult, but a truck stopped on the outskirts of Nevers, and I found I was just a short walk from my destination, the Convent of St. Gildard.

I was given a room by a cheerful French sister and made my way down for supper. The refectory was full of mentally handicapped Irish pilgrims on their way to Lourdes. I found a seat at a long table with some other individual pilgrims. Before long a woman came and sat next to me and said in a rich Alabama accent, "Excuse me, but the sisters asked me to sit here with you because you speak English and ah do too."

Read the whole article.


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